Monday, May 7, 2012

Honorable Mentions

I want to take this time to mention the passing of Junior Seau...
I can't imagine the pain and heartache his family and friends are feeling, he isn't the first athlete to pass away and won't be the last... Athletes go through a tremedous amount of physical pain in order to get back up and ready to play a game that we love to watch..
I was not a fan of his because he played in the AFC west and I am a Bronco fan, but what I did appreciate was the way he played, he had passion for the game, he wanted to be good and he was. He left an impact on his teamates and that is something that doesn't come up in the boxscore.

I also want to make a mention to something that I don't think got enough press: Tampa Coach signing his former paralized player Eric Legrand to a one day contract.. Let's not over look this because If the Coach wasn't in position to do this I believe he would have done something else to acknowledge him, but what better way to show a sign of respect and love for a kid that he coached in College and giving him a wish that he would have never been able to fulfill due to his life threatning injuries.

Kudos to Coach Shiano, and showing everyone what you can do when you have the authority to make a good decision for a kid who he obviously cared for!!
I commend you!!

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